Friday, December 8, 2017

We're living with idiots

 In this society where the only thing that's people are concerned with is there own satisfaction. As hard as this sounds, the majority is growing towards a life where we do everything behind a screen. Giving us the ability to become internet murders and victims. Every single one of us gets hurt, when we face opinions it becomes a battle field, no matter the situation. It could be at school, work, on the streets, and now the internet. This big behemoth  is always targeting us. We can never speak what we are thinking because of this judgmental society. "But I don't judge" many can say, but believe me, someone can post a comment to later be bombarded with a million responses. This is giving everyone a free jail pass whenever they offend, harass or cyberbully. As a victim, I always hear people say its fine and that everything will be okay if you ignore them. What anyone can say about you can stay on the internet for in eternities. People can say that we can brush it off like dust on ones shoulders, but it is a weight crushing us slowly. No one ever realizes how much it hurts until it happens to them. Through years, I have become more immune to idiotic opinions that lash out  once in a while, but that's just me, we don't know people limits, what there going through and how much they can take. That is why if we haven't yet turned into idiots, we should report a rude comment when we see one, we should call the social media offices when we encounter cyber bullying and harassment. Even though your a bystander, it can eventually creep back to you. So stand up and respond, because if we don't, we will all become enslaved idiots to our screens.

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