Tuesday, December 5, 2017

AF: Hey kids! Read my blog post

Hi Kids:

I was just bipping around on the internet, looking at books I might buy for the class library, when I came across the following snippet on a publisher's website:

Elsewhere in the free speech files, women are reporting that Facebook has been censoring their responses to the blizzard of sexual misconduct allegations, deleting comments that contain sentiments such as “Men are scum.” Under the social media giant’s standards governing “hate speech,” white men are considered a protected group, which can inordinately penalize users who speak out about important  issues related to inequality. One woman who was suspended for writing “men continue to be the worst” points out the double-standard in Facebook’s implementation of the policy: “There was one guy who was threatening to find my house and beat me up… I got banned before I could even successfully report it.”

The double-standard is real.

What ARE Facebook and Twitter's standards governing "hate speech"?  Wouldn't you like to know?

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