Friday, December 15, 2017

Benefit to Being Anonymous

As we near the end of this unit, I have realized that there are many positive uses to anonymous identities online. One of the examples discussed was the benefit of being able to discuss sensitive topics without people knowing who you are, or what you are possibly going through. I agreed that people should be able to remain anonymous for the purpose of  helping them talk about difficult things, such as, health conditions. My mom recently got diagnosed with autoimmune disease, a disease in which the body's immune system attacks healthy cells, but did not really understand what this condition was originally. Being able to remain anonymous online allowed her to ask questions without feeling like she’s putting a spotlight on herself. A lot of research shared regarding health conditions is posted by anonymous users because they can speak out without fear of judgement. If we try to stop trolls by stopping anonymous users it could prevent the people seeking help from being helped. I do not think those who chose to use their anonymous rights in harmful ways should be able to take them away from those who use them as they should. In other words, we cannot chose to censor the positive conversations because a few people who cause harm because they have nothing better to do.
-Brooke Sasse

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