Friday, December 8, 2017

Fine line between being funny and being offensive.

Internet trolls are those pesky bugs of the internet that try to get under your skin and irritate, annoy, and ruin your mood. Most of us have seen cyberbullying, trolling, etc. in action and maybe some of us try to stop it but for the most part we are just bystanders to it. The problem is, trolling is so familar to us that we dont know when someone is just making a meme or actually harassing someone. At times its obvious to when someone is being harassed online but in todays “humor”, being mean and sarcastic is the new way of being funny. Now I believe there is a fine line between being funny and being offensive. Those who take jokes too far are those who ruin the internet with their offensive words that go too far. It takes a simple joke out of proprotions and make everyone uncomfortable. These jokes that go too far usually start an arguement and that causes more trolls to join the conversation to ignite the fire even more. These trolls that are being attracted are the worst types. They go out of topic and just start taking it personally and “roasting” the other person based on looks, false rumors, etc. Trolls like these, in my opinion, are repulsive and waste their time in trying to get more attention from people with their hurtful words. For me, I think the best way to deal with cyberbullying and internet trolls is just to ignore it. Dont even spend a second looking at their words that are just filled with hate and false information. Ignoring the situation wont make you the loser in the situation, it actually makes you the better person. In my point of view, I see it as that you’re just living your life and not caring about the false things people are saying about you when they dont even know you at all.

What do you think about this? Is ignoring the situation the best way to handle it?

- Jainah Fajardo

1 comment:

  1. i agree but i feel like ignoring is the best way because if you don´t ignore it i just feel like they going to still bother you and just get in your skin even more and just going to get irritating but if you do ignore it then they going to leave you alone because they going to feel like it pointless but thats my opinion
