Friday, December 8, 2017


I didn't know what "trolling," meant tell I talked to my partner. So when I think of trolling I think about haters and negative people who can only say rude comments through a screen and never to the persons face. I also think that they are haters that aren't happy with there selves so they'll do anything to bring everyone down to there level; they don't want anyone to succeed further than them. The reason why I think people have the audacity to say, expose, heart others through a screen is that they are scared. They are scared to say it to that persons face so they'll do it through a screen because they know they won't get physically hurt. I see trolling a lot on social media, Facebook and YouTube. Instagram for example, Instagram has a lot of trolls underneath the pages of famous people. Trolls love attention and they like to see that there hate gets attention for people (that's like there fuel). Trolling isn't a good thing so I think that if we ever see someone talking bad or hurting another person's feelings through social media, we should help. Trolling is everywhere on the internet, it'll never change if we don't start to get rid of the negative haters that don't want to see anyone succeed.
 -Alex Fritz

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