Friday, December 8, 2017

The Power of Words

While it is extremely disappointing to admit, hearing about situations involving cyberbullying is nothing out of the normal. Because I have not really been involved with many social media platforms, cyberbullying is not something that has concerned me personally in my daily life, but this does not mean I am unaware of what goes on online. It has often come to my attention that trolling and cyberbullying has significantly increased in recent years as the accessibility to technology has increased.

People have taken advantage of anonymity and turned it into something which have taken online problems to an uncontrollable level. These people continuously create fake accounts in order to do or say things that they do not have the courage to actually say in person to someone else. Although many of the things said online are very hurtful, it is important for the victims being affected by these comments or posts, to come to acknowledge the irrelevance of the comments made. Words are only worth whatever value you give them. It may not be possible to control what other people say or do, but a person receiving hurtful comments has the power to recognize if there is any truth in what is being said and from there decide whether to give those words any importance or not.

-Samantha Covarrubias

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