Online anonymity, as most people put it, is a way for people like trolls to torment others for usual reasons such as cyber-bullying. In that case, even though there are negative aspects to anonymity, there are the other side of people which consist of the minorities, the LGBT community, and controversial public figures that also benefit. If these groups couldn't hide their identities, then they may feel that they would be marginalized, or targeted for their sexuality or appearance. Therefore, more people can find the strength to speak out what they feel, and not have to be insulted or discriminated. This also creates better conversations, because there is nothing in the way of conversing with one another. When what is actually said, and not what someone identifies as, comes to relevance, then we are more progressive in solving issues. Even if they erased online anonymity, people still have the right to say and publish what they want, since it does fall under the first amendment. Thus, being able to hide your identity, serves us all whether positive or negative. For the negative side, you can report the abuse, or simply ignore it. Other then that, we must use anonymity to our advantage to spread our opinions, and our positivity through the internet. Maybe then, we can overshadow the trolls, and they can make a change for the better. Then, we can all coexist as a community that can discuss, and share ideas with one another. If that can happen, then the online world will be even more fascinating. - LaVanton Gilmore
I agree LaVanton, people shiuld have the right to remain anonymous under those conditions. I think that many are trying to look past the trolling and cyber bullying, but at the same time they want to fight against it. My mom used to tell me that the good suffer with the bad. This may be something that as online communities, people look into to make the internet a safe place for everyone and not a place to be preyed on for little things.