Cyberbullying is an issue that has been on the rise for quite some time now. In fact, it seems to be getting worse. There are so many stories from victims of cyberbullying and all of them are very similar but all have different ways in which they were affected. Some cases of cyberbullying have driven people into suicide and different ways of self-harm or simply put them in a state of depression and isolation. So how can we prevent this? How can one overcome the acts of cyberbullying? I think the answer would be through acceptance and ignorance. If one were to be exposed on any form of social media there is no denying the truth. A victim cannot deny anything when there is visible proof. I am not blaming the victim but simply stating the truth. Eventually all things that are being done discreetly will be brought to light. A victim of cyberbullying needs to accept their actions and leave the past in the past. If they made a mistake it is a lesson learned. There is no need to cry or get unnecessarily emotional over something that has already happened. The past needs to stay in the past. Our minds listen to whatever WE feed them. Why feed it someone else’s opinions and hate? We need to be ignorant. Ignorant to others’ thoughts and negative opinions of us, hate, toxic people, cyberbullies, etc. Feed your mind positive thoughts and feelings. Accept your flaws and mistakes. Understand we are human and we are not perfect. Be ignorant for all the right reasons.
- Astrid Tadeo
Ignorance is bliss. If you do not know about something, you do not worry about it. As you have said, why feed these trolls when you can just be ignorant. I believe that victims should not be ignorant to all the things that are being spread about them online or just anything in general. Everyone should be able to have the level of understanding of certain situations and circumstances. Being ignorant to everything sets a different tone to how the world defines a person and thus this sets as an example of why trolling also happens. Trolls emphasize a person's ignorance about a certain thing that they lack knowledge of. Rather than being ignorant, I think that they should acknowledge, own up, to their mistakes. Ignorance is what feeds some of these trolls, it is what gives them the satisfaction of bullying others. By owning up and accepting past mistakes this can set trolls in a fury that you are not giving them what the satisfaction.