I was thinking about joining the military.And haven't can't decide which branch the Army or the Marines they or both good branches but they both have different benefit.The army has more benefit and jobs but less pay while the marines their or a few of them and less jobs but bigger pay. So my problem is i was in ROTC and it was the navy rotc so i like the navy but will never join and i my plan is to be in the reserve so i can go to school while serving my country. But i don't know what to do i was thinking a few will know what options i should consider. Regardless I'm joining the military when i get out of high school it always been my dream to go in it. What job should i go for cause I'm qualified to be a pilot or a mechanic but don't know which to chose they both pay extremely well.
Roman Barraza
the military i think is a good pick, they give out the most opportunities for young up and coming people in our society. the branch i would think would be the best to join is the marines. i think that good that you still want to go to college wail your in the military. Also thats good that your following your dreams, a lot of people try to follow there dream but can't do it. i think that you should be a mechanic, they will always need mechanic in the military