Friday, November 17, 2017

Choosing a career?

Through out high school I was never really sure what I wanted to major because I was so focused in school and just though that I shouldn't worry cause I still have time but the fact that I am a senior I still don't know  what to major to pick ? Also through out the years I had always said that I wanted to major in science that will take me to a career in nursing but also would like the interest in  becoming  a vet. Since I am going to a community college I decided that I also want to enter the work force fast that is related to the medical field but don't know what to really choose on my major in becoming a a nurse or a vet or a dentist . Now days I am really  confused to choose the right career for me but don'  t  in what to choose . So I guess my question is how does one really decide to choose as career ? Like how do feel what you want to become ? \

- Vanessa A.

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